Adolescents’ Food Habits Checklist (AFHC)
The Adolescents’ Food Habit Checklist (AFHC) is a self-report psychometric tool for the adolescent (>13-25 y population to measure healthy eating behaviour in situations in which they have a degree of personal control.
Adult Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (AEBQ)
The Adult Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (AEBQ) is a self-report psychometric tool for populations to measure appetitive traits in adults (>13 years onwards)
Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (BEBQ)
The Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (BEBQ) Concurrent version is a psychometric tool for infant populations to measure appetitive traits during the period of exclusive milk-feeding.
Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (BEBQ) – Retrospective version
The Baby Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (BEBQ) Retrospective version is a psychometric tool for infant populations to measure appetitive traits during the period of exclusive milk-feeding retrospectively.
Benchmarks for Transition
The benchmarks for transition have been developed with young people, parents and professionals with the aim of improving transitional care for young people and enabling the sharing of best practice between services. The benchmarks offer an example of a ‘practice guide’ to support transitional care.
Brain Explorer
This research app was designed to assess cognitive and decision-making preferences on handheld electronic devices. It contains short and entertaining games that allow to assess different decision making and learning styles.
BRIGHTLIGHT_2021 Questionnaire
Questionnaire measuring teenage and young adult cancer care experience and psychosocial outcomes at 6 months after diagnosis
BRIGHTLIGHT: Carer Questionnaire
Carer Questionnaire measuring teenage and young adult cancer caregiver unmet support and information needs
BRIGHTLIGHT: Health Economics
Health economics measures for the BRIGHTLIGHT study
The BRIGHTLIGHT study has been carried out to evaluate how specialist services affect the success of treatment and how well young people return to normal life such as education or work after treatment. The licensed documents include the main survey, questionnaire for carers and health economic measures for use with young people aged 13 onwards.
The BRIGHTLIGHT study has been carried out to evaluate how specialist services affect the success of treatment and how well young people return to normal life such as education or work after treatment. The licensed documents include the main survey, questionnaire for carers and health economic measures for use with young people aged 13 onwards.
The BRIGHTLIGHT study has been carried out to evaluate how specialist services affect the success of treatment and how well young people return to normal life such as education or work after treatment. The licensed documents include the main survey, questionnaire for carers and health economic measures for use with young people aged 13 onwards.
Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ)
The Child Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (CEBQ) is a psychometric tool for paediatric populations to measure appetitive traits.
Developmental Journal Babies Visual Impairment (DJVI) OFFICIAL
The Developmental Journal for babies and young children with visual impairment is an early childhood intervention programme for babies and young children with visual disorders and severe visual impairment.
Early Intervention for Childhood Eating Disorders
The licensed document comprises the therapist manual for delivering a parent group intervention for early onset eating disorders in children and adolescents.
Food Preference Questionnaire (FPQ) for Children
The Child Food Preference Questionnaire (CFPQ) is a caregiver-reported psychometric tool for paediatric populations to measure food preferences in the UK
FVQ_Child (8-12 years) and FVQ_Young Person (13-18 years)
An age-appropriate measure of functional vision (FV) for self-reporting by visually impaired (VI) children and young people.
FVQ_CYP (10-15 years)
An age-appropriate measure of functional vision (FV) for self-reporting by visually impaired (VI) children and young people.
General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire - Revised (GNKQ-R)
The General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire-R (GNKQ) is a psychometric tool for adult populations to measure nutrition knowledge.
MRI Conductivity
State-of-the-art algorithms for MRI phase-based electrical conductivity mapping
MRI susceptibility calculation methods
A Patient-Reported Quality of Life instrument for patients with multiple system atrophy
OPTIC study normative perimetry templates
A collection of templates to aid interpretation of kinetic perimetry results in children (aged 5-15 years). Data are from the Study of Optimal Perimetric Testing In Children (OPTIC).
The Paediatric Pain Profile is a pain assessment tool for non-verbal children with severe and complex disability. The tool incorporates a validated 20-item behaviour rating scale with scores ranging from 0 to 60. In early studies, scores of 14 and over have been associated with moderate or worse pain. The tool emphasises the need for partnership between parent and professional in assessing and managing children’s pain.
PPP - for use by family carers
The Paediatric Pain Profile is a pain assessment tool for non-verbal children with severe and complex disability. The tool incorporates a validated 20-item behaviour rating scale with scores ranging from 0 to 60. In early studies, scores of 14 and over have been associated with moderate or worse pain. The tool emphasises the need for partnership between parent and professional in assessing and managing children’s pain. This licence covers use of PPP by family carers.
PQoL Carers
A Quality of Life instrument for carers of people with parkinsonism
PRAiS v4.1
This software can be used to apply the PRAiS risk model for death within 30 days following cardiac surgery in children using routinely collected audit data and produce a Variable Life Adjusted Display (VLAD) chart to facilitate routine monitoring of programme-level outcomes. Version 4.0 is now available - see product description for further details.
PSP-QoL is a Quality of Life instrument for people with progressive supranuclear palsy
RT-PAL: Radiotherapy Paediatric Atlas
The Radiotherapy Paediatric Atlas (RT-PAL) is a set of 3D images that make a virtual model of an average paediatric patients across developmental stages. The models were developed for radiotherapy academic (non-commercial) research use.
Self-Regulation of Eating Behaviour Questionnaire (SREBQ)
The Self-Regulation of Eating Behaviour Questionnaire is a self-report psychometric tool for populations to measure eating self-regulatory capacity in adults.
The Sibling’s Views Questionnaire (SVQ)
The Sibling's Views Questionnaire (SVQ) consists of a pre-intervention and post-intervention version, and utilises a focused semi-structured interview design. The SVQ enables the interviewers to ascertain the sibling's experience of having a brother or sister with complex health care needs and to identify what the sibling needs from a support group.
UCL Archive of Stuttered Speech
VQoL_Child (8-12 years) and VQoL_Young Person (13-18 years)
A novel, psychometrically robust self-report questionnaire for children and young people that captures the day to day impact of living with impaired vision from their perspective.
VQoL_CYP (10-15yrs)
A novel, psychometrically robust self-report questionnaire for children and young people - the VQoL_CYP - which captures the day to day impact of living with impaired vision from their perspective.