Blossom V

This Blossom V software implements an algorithm that solves the following problem:Given an undirected weighted graph, it computes a perfect matching of minimum cost.

1 licensing option
Boykov/Kolmogorov MaxFlow Software 2.22

This software implements the maxflow algorithm described by Boykov and Kolmogorov in the paper: "An Experimental Comparison of Min-Cut/Max-Flow Algorithms for Energy Minimization in Computer Vision", published In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence, September 2004.

4 licensing options
Brain Explorer

This research app was designed to assess cognitive and decision-making preferences on handheld electronic devices. It contains short and entertaining games that allow to assess different decision making and learning styles.

1 licensing option
Cancer Pathway Simulator

Simulation tool for performance analysis of diagnostic cancer pathways

1 licensing option
Classify AI

Classify AI is a software package designed to train, optimise and evaluate machine learning classifiers for automated reading of HIV Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs). It compares the performance of 4 different approaches (MobileNet_v2, MobileNet_v3, ResNet50 and SVM), using a dataset of images captured in the field in rural South Africa.

1 licensing option

DMACRYS models crystals of rigid molecules, allowing lattice energy minimization and the calculation of second derivative properties.

4 licensing options
MRI Pulse Sequence for a multi-echo spoiled gradient echo

This MRI pulse sequence enables multi-echo spoiled gradient echo images to be acquired. A magnetisation transfer (MT) pre-pulse can be used to impart additional MT weighting.

1 licensing option
MRI Pulse Sequence for B1+ Mapping using the Bloch-Siegert Shift at 7T

This MRI pulse sequence enables inhomogeneity in the transmit field to be mapped using the Bloch-Siegert shift. This sequence was written in Siemens’ VE12u IDEA environment for use on a Siemens 7T Terra MRI system.

1 licensing option
Naccess V2.1.1 - Atomic Solvent Accessible Area Calculations

Naccess is a stand alone program that calculates the accessible area of a molecule from a PDB (Protein Data Bank) format file. It can calculate the atomic and residue accessiblities for both proteins and nucleic acids. It runs on most Linux/Unix systems including cygwin under windows.

1 licensing option
PRAiS v4.1

This software can be used to apply the PRAiS risk model for death within 30 days following cardiac surgery in children using routinely collected audit data and produce a Variable Life Adjusted Display (VLAD) chart to facilitate routine monitoring of programme-level outcomes. Version 4.0 is now available - see product description for further details.

1 licensing option
RT-PAL: Radiotherapy Paediatric Atlas

The Radiotherapy Paediatric Atlas (RT-PAL) is a set of 3D images that make a virtual model of an average paediatric patients across developmental stages. The models were developed for radiotherapy academic (non-commercial) research use.

1 licensing option

Speedy rEgion Growing for Unwrapping Estimated phase

1 licensing option
SnakeGrid Local for FME Desktop

Create SnakeGrid parameter files to recreate local engineering grids and establish relationships to other coordinate systems.

1 licensing option
SnakeGrid PointWise

Tool for converting coordinate sets between ellipsoidal (lat and long) systems and SnakeGrid Eastings and Northings.

1 licensing option
SnakeGrid Projector for FME Desktop

A coordinate system with minimal scale factor and height distortion

1 licensing option
SnakeGrid Projector for FME Server

A coordinate system with minimal scale factor and height distortion - for FME Server

1 licensing option
VRthreat Toolkit for Unity

Unity-based Virtual Reality Platform for design of behavioural experiments involving responses to threat

1 licensing option
Zacros 4.0

Zacros 4.0 is a Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) software package written in Fortran 2003, for performing non-equilibrium statistical mechanical calculations on lattice systems

2 licensing options
Zacros 4.0 (30 day commercial evaluation)

Zacros 4.0 is a Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) software package written in Fortran 2003, for performing non-equilibrium statistical mechanical calculations on lattice systems

1 licensing option

Zacros-post is a post-processing and visualisation tool for kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) software Zacros. It can visualise KMC simulation results and generate high-quality plots (to be used in publications) for the lattice structure, adsorbate configurations, reaction statistics and gas/surface species numbers.

3 licensing options