DMACRYS models crystals of rigid molecules, allowing lattice energy minimization and the calculation of second derivative properties.
Zacros 4.0
Zacros 4.0 is a Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) software package written in Fortran 2003, for performing non-equilibrium statistical mechanical calculations on lattice systems
Zacros 4.0 (30 day commercial evaluation)
Zacros 4.0 is a Kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) software package written in Fortran 2003, for performing non-equilibrium statistical mechanical calculations on lattice systems
Zacros-post is a post-processing and visualisation tool for kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) software Zacros. It can visualise KMC simulation results and generate high-quality plots (to be used in publications) for the lattice structure, adsorbate configurations, reaction statistics and gas/surface species numbers.