General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire - Revised (GNKQ-R)

The General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire-R (GNKQ) is a psychometric tool for adult populations to measure nutrition knowledge.
Technology No. 09-003

The General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire (GNKQ) was initially developed and validated for the UK adult population in the 1990s by Parmenter and Wardle and has also been adapted and validated for other populations. Research using the GNKQ has found that nutrition knowledge is associated with demographic characteristics such as gender, age, level of education and socio-economic status. Studies have also found a positive and significant relationship between the GNKQ score and healthy dietary intake when adjusted for demographic characteristics but no relationship with weight status. However, since the GNKQ was developed, advances in understanding of the associations between diet and health have led to changes in advice regarding good nutrition. Developments in the food supply, including the introduction of new types of foods and processing methods, have also resulted in frequent updates to nutrition recommendations, and these developments necessitate a periodic re-evaluation of measures designed to assess nutrition knowledge.

This questionnaire is the result of a study reporting the validity and reliability of a revised version of the General Nutrition Knowledge Questionnaire (GNKQ), GNKQ-R, bringing it into line with current nutritional advice. Following a review of current recommendations, the GNKQ-R consist of 88 items and four sections. The GNKQ-R is a valid measure of nutrition knowledge that is consistent, reliable and sensitive to change. 

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