VQoL_Child (8-12 years) and VQoL_Young Person (13-18 years)

A novel, psychometrically robust self-report questionnaire for children and young people that captures the day to day impact of living with impaired vision from their perspective.
Technology No. 89-136

Product Description

The VQoL_Child and VQoL_Young Person are self-report questionnaires developed to assess vision-related quality of life (VQoL) of children and young people aged 8-18 years with visual impairment or blindness, and may be used as complementary adjuncts to our functional vision instruments (the FVQ_Child and FVQ_Young Person).

These instruments are intended for use by healthcare professionals and related specialists with children and young people aged 8 up to 18 years.

The VQoL_Child contains 20 items.

The VQoL_Young Person contains 22 items.

Both instruments use a 4-point response structure with age-appropriate instructions and question stems. The two instrument versions contain a common ‘core’ set of items relevant to all children and young people within the age-range of 8 up to 18 years, as well as age-specific items.

Summary scores from the VQoL_Child and VQoL_Young Person can be derived and transformed into measurement-scaled scores so that summary scores across different age groups can be compared.

Previous instrument versions:

The VQoL_Child and VQoL_Young Person are age-appropriate extensions of the original VQoL_CYP, which was designed for use with children and young people aged 10-15 years. The new age-appropriate versions replace the original VQoL_CYP, broadening the age-range of children and young people to whom the instrument is applicable. Both new instruments are psychometrically robust, valid and reliable for capturing VQoL of children and young people within the specific age-groups.

Publications reporting the development of the new VQoL_C and VQoL_YP are included in the References section with papers reporting the development of the original VQoL_CYP. In addition, the References section includes papers that provide evidence useful to implementation of the instruments into routine clinical practice

What the instrument includes:

Both the VQoL_Child and VQoL_Young Person include:

User manual

The user manual contains a description of VQoL, a brief background to the VQoL_Child and VQoL_Young Person, administration guidelines, scoring instructions (including how to transform summary scores into comparable measurement-scaled scores) and relevant references.

Instrument booklets

Each instrument booklet contains a title page, instructions, prompts, question stems, items, and response options. It is important that all these elements are presented to children and young people using the instrument booklets. The instrument booklets containing the VQoL_Child and VQoL_Young Person differ in length and content.


Development of the original VQoL_CYP (for 10-15 year olds) was supported by The Guide Dogs for the Blind Association (Grant: OR2006-03b). Development of the new, age-appropriate extensions of the VQoL_CYP was supported by Fight for Sight (Grant: 1322).

Specified Notice 

Copyright©2018 Great Ormond Street Institute of Child Health, UCL. All rights reserved.


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