BMI-1 transduced basal epithelial cells
BMI-1 transduced basal epithelial cells from normal healthy donors. Nasal in origin.
Primary, human airway basal epithelial cells transduced with the anti-senescence gene BMI1. Cells have been validated for differentiation on air-liquid interface cultures, demonstrating mucus production, ciliation, and other features of airway epithelium. Basal cells can be passaged at least 20 times, retaining their differentiation capacity.
Cells are provided in cryovials on dry ice and should be stored in liquid nitrogen for long term storage. Basal cells can be maintained and differentiated on ALI, in specialised media from commercial suppliers (e.g., Lonza, Pneumacult, Promocell, Epithelix). We now routinely use Pneumacult media.
Cells available include;
NHBE – nasal or tracheal
For commercial use, please contact us to discuss licensing options.
Full acknowledgement of the source of the BMI-1 cells must be given in all relevant publications and presentations of research results. The following statement must be included in all publications and the accompanying reference must be cited:
'The human BMI-1 transduced basal epithelial cell line (BMI-1) was obtained from the UCL Institute of Child Health, London, UK.'
The reference is:
"Munye, M.M., et al (2017) BMI-1 extends proliferative potential of human bronchial epithelial cells while retaining their mucociliary differentiation capacity, Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 312(2), L258-L267"
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swap_vertical_circlelibrary_booksReferences (1)
- Munye, M.M., et al (2017), BMI-1 extends proliferative potential of human bronchial epithelial cells while retaining their mucociliary differentiation capacity, Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol, 312(2), L258-L267
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